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6 hours ago歐盟27國領導人周五晚達成的協議意味着該集團將與美國和其他國家一起採取措施如限制俄羅斯獲得關鍵技術和資金等 制裁還將針對俄羅斯精英.
. The common EU response to COVID-19. 15 hours ago歐盟執委會 European Commission 主席馮德萊恩 Ursula von der Leyen 表示歐盟將祭出一系列措施包含對 70 俄羅斯銀行市場與主要國營企業的制裁凍結. The official website of the European Commission providing access to information about its political priorities policies and services.
EUIPO is the European Union Intellectual Property Office responsible for managing the EU trade mark and the registered Community design. The Next Generation EU NGEU fund is a European Union economic recovery package to support member states adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemicAgreed to by the European Council on 21 July 2020 the fund is worth 750 billion. Find information on applying and searching for patents legal issues on patents patent grants rules and regulations about European and international patent applications.
The NGEU fund will operate from 20212023 and will be tied to the regular 20212027 budget of the EUs Multiannual. The EU is mobilising all resources available to help member states coordinate their national responses and this includes providing objective information about the spread of the virus the effective efforts to contain it and measures taken to repair the economic and social damage brought by the pandemic. 歐盟負責內部市場業務的執行委員布勒東8日強調歐盟超過半數晶片都依靠台灣 相對也構成巨大經濟風險例如若台海爆發軍事衝突將會是產業災難布勒東說若台灣無法再出口半導體幾乎全球工廠都會在3週內停擺1 歐元 等於 計劃打造自主的半導體產業鏈 3180 新臺幣.
Highlights press releases and speeches. We also work with the IP offices of the EU Member States and international partners to offer a similar registration experience for trade marks and designs across Europe and the world. The official website of the European Patent Office EPO.
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